Rating the Top 10 Sporting Moments
In determining our Top 10 memories from the Park we asked a simple question: "Does the sporting event provide a single, enduring and broad memory?". Many major events were considered but did not rate highly enough on this criteria. For example, papal or royal visits, or rock concerts may have provided strong local significance, but did not rate highly in terms of broad appeal. Comparatively, a memory like Peter Snell's world record-setting race in 1962, or Ian Kirkpatrick's try in 1971, or Richard Hadlee's 400th wicket in 1990 provide indelible memories for an international audience, and relate to single and unrepeated events. Clearly, subjectivity is involved, however this criteria does provide some substance to our exercise. And we have engaged some of the best sports minds in the country! See our Facebook page for our Top 10 memories.